Nonlinear Browser

Built for exploration.

Hierarchical Representation

Remember the last time you opened a tab and later couldn't remember why? That's your browser's fault.Browsers don't realize the benefits of knowing where a tab originates from. A hierarchical representation enables you to dive deep into rabbit holes without losing your way.

Contextual Exploration

Remember the last time you opened a lot of articles but weren't able to connect the underlying ideas?Browsers lose the relationships between tabs and consider them as unrelated - they're not. Instead, understanding the relationships enables you to see the bigger picture.

Spatial Experience

Isn't it frustrating to open 20 tabs and not being able to identify or focus on any one?We have evolved to navigate through free space since millions of years. It's time browsers realize this. A free space for tabs allows you to navigate in a flexible and focused manner.

Sharing of curated Rabbit Holes

How often have you been invested in a rabbit hole, spamming your friends with links, but weren't able to arouse the same interest in them?A better way to spam your friends is to allow them to experience the rabbit hole in the same way as you did. Not through a list of links, but by exploring different perspectives tailored by you in a nonlinear manner.

Become an Alpha tester

We've created a chrome extension that materializes these ideas. Join us to redesign browsers, one tab at a time.

© Nonlinear Browser. All rights reserved.

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